Source code: users.pal

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% Read users from stdin (/etc/passwd file) and populate one container
% in the nexus for each username listed
func/def        [main], &[.main]

% Preparation
reg/load        P10, ![]
attr/load       P11, [psStreamIn], P13, [description]
class/load      P12, [psContainer]

% Create top-level container for the users
obj/def         P8
class/add       P8, P12
obj/commit      ![.prose], [users], P8
reg/load        P9, ![.prose.users]

% Load next line from stdin
attr/copy       P0, P10, P11
reg/jmpeq       &[.eof], P0, NULL

% Extract username (field 1, up to first colon)
reg/xscan       P1, P0, [:]
reg/copy        P2, (P0, #0, P1)

% Extract GECOS description (field 5)
reg/load        A, #3

op/incr         P1
reg/xscan       P1, P0, [:], P1
reg/jmpneq      &[.loop2], A, #0

op/incr         P1
reg/xscan       P4, P0, [:], P1
opx/sub         P4, P4, P1
reg/copy        P3, (P0, P1, P4)
reg/clr         P0

% Create a container for this user
obj/def         P8
class/add       P8, P12
attr/add        P8, P13, P3
obj/commit      P9, P2, P8
reg/clr         P2
local/jmp       &[.loop]

% Read the user objects and display to stdout
attr/load       P11, [psStreamOut], P12, [pn]
reg/load        P0, (P9)

reg/load        P1, (P0)
reg/jmpeq       &[.exit], P1, NULL
attr/copy       P2, P1, P12
attr/copy       P3, P1, P13
reg/copy        P4, [User '], P2, [' (], P3, [)\n]
attr/mod        P10, P11, P4
reg/clr         P2, P3
local/jmp       &[.loop3]
