Source code: students.pal

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% Simple test of data entry via stdin which creates a hierarchy using
% classroom subjects and student names
func/def	[main], &[.main]
func/def	[getsubjects], &[.func_subjects]
func/def	[getstudents], &[.func_students]
func/def	[getgrades], &[.func_grades]
func/def	[display], &[.func_display]

% Create top-level containers for the data
reg/load	PCTX, ![.prose]
obj/def		P0
class/add	P0, [psContainer]
obj/clone	P1, P0, P2, P0
obj/commit	[school], P0
reg/load	P0, ![school]
obj/commit	P0, [subjects], P1
obj/commit	P0, [students], P2

func/call	NULL, [getsubjects]
func/call	NULL, [getstudents]
func/call	NULL, [display]


% Preparation
reg/load	PCTX, ![], P9, ![]
attr/load	P10, [psStreamIn], P11, [psStreamOut], P13, [description]
class/load	P12, [psContainer]

% Obtain number of subjects from user
reg/load	P0, [# of subjects \[1-10\]? ], P1, #1, P2, #10
local/jsr	&[.getnumber]

reg/load	A, #1, P1, P0
op/incr		P1

% Get each subject name
reg/copy	P0, [Name of subject #], A, [? ]
attr/mod	P9, P11, P0
attr/copy	P0, P9, P10

% Get rid of newline character at end of input
local/jsr	&[.stripnl]

% Make sure there are no dots in the name (keep copy of original)
reg/copy	P3, P0
local/jsr	&[.stripdots]

% Create a container for this subject
obj/def		P7
class/add	P7, P12
attr/add	P7, P13, P3
obj/commit	P0, P7
reg/clr		P0

reg/jmpneq	&[.sbloop], A, P1

% Set flag for getgrades() function to indicate that we are obtaining
% grades for the classroom subjects
attr/add	![], [description], [0]
func/call	NULL, [getgrades]


% Preparation
reg/load	PCTX, ![], P9, ![]
attr/load	P10, [psStreamIn], P11, [psStreamOut], P13, [description]
class/load	P12, [psContainer]

% Obtain number of students
reg/load	P0, [# of students \[1-20\]? ], P1, #1, P2, #20
local/jsr	&[.getnumber]

reg/load	A, #1, P1, P0
op/incr		P1

% Get each student name
reg/copy	P0, [Name of student #], A, [? ]
attr/mod	P9, P11, P0
attr/copy	P0, P9, P10

% Get rid of newline character at end of input
local/jsr	&[.stripnl]

% Make sure there are no dots in the name (keep copy of original)
reg/copy	P3, P0
local/jsr	&[.stripdots]

% Create a container for this student
obj/def		P7
class/add	P7, P12
attr/add	P7, P13, P3
obj/commit	P0, P7
reg/clr		P0

reg/jmpneq	&[.stloop], A, P1

% Set flag for getgrades() function to indicate that we are obtaining
% grades for the classroom subjects
attr/mod	![], [description], [1]
func/call	NULL, [getgrades]


% Preparation
reg/load	PCTX, ![], P9, ![]
attr/load	P10, [psStreamIn], P11, [psStreamOut], P12, [description]

% Read flag to determine which branch we're grading
attr/test	PCTX, [description], [0]
reg/jmpeq	&[.grade1], SCMP, #1

% We're processing the students
reg/load	PCTX, ![students]
reg/load	P8, [Student: ]
local/jmp	&[.grade2]

% We're processing the subjects
reg/load	PCTX, ![subjects]
reg/load	P8, [Subject: ]

% Iterate each node on the branch
reg/load	P0, (PCTX)
attr/mod	P9, P11, [\n]

reg/load	P1, (P0)
reg/jmpeq	&[.gdexit], P1, NULL
attr/copy	P2, P1, P12
reg/copy	P2, P8, P2, [\n]
attr/mod	P9, P11, P2

% Obtain a grade for this subject or student
stack/push	P0, P1
reg/load	P1, #1, P2, #4, P0,
    	[Grade 1) Beginner, 2) Intermediate, 3) Advanced, 4) Postgrad \[1-4\]? ]
local/jsr	&[.getnumber]

% Force .gdset label to be given an index number now
noop &[.gdset]

% Jump to correct code section based upon selection
reg/index	A, &[.gdjmp1]
op/decr		P0
opa/add		P0
stack/pull	P1, P0
reg/load	P2, (#0, A)
local/jmp	P2

stack/push	[Beginner]
local/jmp	&[.gdset]

stack/push	[Intermediate]
local/jmp	&[.gdset]

stack/push	[Advanced]
local/jmp	&[.gdset]

stack/push	[Postgrad]

% Add an additional description attribute
reg/copy	P2, [Grade: ], PULL
attr/mvadd	P1, P12, P2
local/jmp	&[.gdloop]



% Preparation
reg/load	PCTX, ![], P9, ![]
attr/load	P11, [psStreamOut], P12, [description]

% Process each subject, and then list the students at the same grade
attr/mod	P9, P11, [------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n]
reg/load	P0, (![subjects])

reg/load	P1, (P0)
reg/jmpeq	&[.dexit], P1, NULL

% Read both values from description (one is display name, one is the grade)
local/jsr	&[.getdesc]
reg/copy	P3, [Subject: ], P3, [\n]
attr/mod	P9, P11, P3
reg/copy	P5, P4, [\n]
attr/mod	P9, P11, P5

% Display all students at this grade
reg/load	P6, (![students])
reg/load	A, #0
reg/move	P8, P4

reg/load	P1, (P6)
reg/jmpeq	&[.dcont], P1, NULL

% Read both values from description (one is display name, one is the grade)
local/jsr	&[.getdesc]
reg/jmpneq	&[.dnext], P4, P8

% Display list of students on one line (comma-separated)
reg/jmpneq	&[.dcomma], A, #0
reg/copy	P3, [Students: ], P3
local/jmp	&[.dstu]

reg/copy	P3, [, ], P3

attr/mod	P9, P11, P3

reg/clr		P3, P4
local/jmp	&[.dloop2]

reg/clr		P3, P4, P6, P8
attr/mod	P9, P11, [\n\n]
local/jmp	&[.dloop]



% Remove dots from text in P0
stack/push	A, P1, P2, P3, P4

% Read length of text string and process 4 bytes at a time
reg/xload	P1, (P0)
reg/load	A, #0

reg/load	P2, (P0, A)
op/and		P3, P2, #0xff000000
reg/jmpneq	&[.strip2], P3, #0x2e000000
op/and		P2, P2, #0x00ffffff
op/or		P2, P2, #0x5f000000
reg/load	P4, #1

op/and		P3, P2, #0x00ff0000
reg/jmpneq	&[.strip3], P3, #0x002e0000
op/and		P2, P2, #0xff00ffff
op/or		P2, P2, #0x005f0000
reg/load	P4, #1

op/and		P3, P2, #0x0000ff00
reg/jmpneq	&[.strip4], P3, #0x00002e00
op/and		P2, P2, #0xffff00ff
op/or		P2, P2, #0x00005f00
reg/load	P4, #1

op/and		P3, P2, #0x000000ff
reg/jmpneq	&[.strip5], P3, #0x0000002e
op/and		P2, P2, #0xffffff00
op/or		P2, P2, #0x0000005f
reg/load	P4, #1

reg/jmpneq	&[.strip_next], P4, #1

% Save new 4-byte sequence back over original text (replacing . for _)
reg/save	P0, (P2, A)

opa/add		#4
reg/cmp		P1, A
reg/jmpeq	&[.strip_loop], SCMP, #2

stack/pull	P4, P3, P2, P1, A


% Remove newline from end of text in P0
stack/push	A, P1, P2
reg/xload	P1, (P0)
op/decr		P1
reg/load	P2, (P0, P1)
reg/jmpneq	&[.stripnl2], P2, #0x0a000000
reg/save	P0, (P1)

stack/pull	P2, P1, A


% Get number from user (prompt in P0, base P1, top P2)
% Result is returned in P0
reg/load	PUSH, P3, P3, P0

attr/mod	P9, P11, P3
attr/copy	P0, P9, P10
reg/conv	P0, P0

reg/cmp		P0, P1
reg/jmpeq	&[.gnget], SCMP, #2
reg/cmp		P0, P2
reg/jmpeq	&[.gnget], SCMP, #4

attr/mod	P9, P11, [\n]
stack/pull	P3


% Read both values from description (one is display name, one is the grade)
% Will return display name in P3 and grade in P4
attr/copy	P2, (P1, P12)
attr/copy	P3, (P2)
attr/copy	P4, (P2)
reg/clr		P2

reg/xscan	P2, P3, [Grade: ]
reg/jmpneq	&[.gdret], P2, #0

% Swap P3 and P4
reg/move	P5, P3, P3, P4, P4, P5
