Source code: pscalc.pal

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% Simple arbitrary-precision calculator
attr/load	P0, [psString], P1, [psInteger], P2, [psBoolean]

% Function definitions
func/def	[main],     &[.main]
func/def	[title],    &[.func_title]
func/def	[getcmd],   &[.func_getcmd],	P0
func/def	[display],  &[.func_display],	NULL, P0, [s]
func/def	[add],	    &[.func_op],	P0,   P0, [s], P1, [i]
func/def	[sub],	    &[.func_op],	P0,   P0, [s], P1, [i]
func/def	[mult],	    &[.func_op],	P0,   P0, [s], P1, [i]
func/def	[div],	    &[.func_op],	P0,   P0, [s], P1, [i]
func/def	[settype],  &[.func_settype],	NULL, P0, [type]
func/def	[rsplit],   &[.func_rsplit],	P0,   P0, [s], P1, [i]
func/def	[toggle_debug], &[.func_debug]
func/def	[is_debug], &[.func_is_debug],	P2

% Mapping of code labels to commands
EQUP { &[.quit] }; EQUS { [] }
EQUP { &[.quit] }; EQUS { [quit] }
EQUP { &[.int] }; EQUS { [int] }
EQUP { &[.flt] }; EQUS { [flt] }
EQUP { &[.rat] }; EQUS { [rat] }
EQUP { &[.help] }; EQUS { [help] }
EQUP { &[.debug] }; EQUS { [debug] }

% main()
func/call	NULL, [title]
var/global	NULL, [psIndex], [debug], #0
var/global	NULL, [psString], [numtype], [psInteger]

% Fetch command from stdin
func/call	P0, [getcmd]

% Test for one of the known commands
reg/load	P1, ( &[~cmdlist] )

reg/load	P2, (P1)
reg/jmpeq	&[.cmdloop_end], P2, NULL
reg/load	P3, (P1)
reg/jmpneq	&[.cmdloop], P0, P3
reg/clr		P1
local/jmp	P2

% Process a mathematical command
reg/clr		P1
reg/copy	P2, P0
reg/xscan	P1, P2, [+]
reg/jmpneq	&[.add], P1, NULL
reg/xscan	P1, P2, [-]
reg/jmpneq	&[.sub], P1, NULL
reg/xscan	P1, P2, [*]
reg/jmpneq	&[.mult], P1, NULL

% The divide symbol can be / unless in psRational mode
var/addr	P15, [numtype]
attr/copy	P14, P15, [psString]
reg/cmp		P14, [psRational]
reg/clr		P14
reg/jmpneq	&[.div_slash], SCMP, #1
reg/xscan	P1, P2, [~]
reg/jmpneq	&[.div], P1, NULL
local/jmp	&[.display]

reg/xscan	P1, P2, [/]
reg/jmpneq	&[.div], P1, NULL

% Display anything else verbatim to stdout
reg/clr		P2
func/call	NULL, [display], P0
local/jmp	&[.loop]

% Set number type to integer
reg/clr		P0
func/call	NULL, [settype], [psInteger]
local/jmp	&[.loop]

% Set number type to floating-point
reg/clr		P0
func/call	NULL, [settype], [psFloat]
local/jmp	&[.loop]

% Set number type to rational
reg/clr		P0
func/call	NULL, [settype], [psRational]
local/jmp	&[.loop]

% Exit program
reg/clr		P0

% Toggle debug mode ON or OFF
reg/clr		P0
func/call	NULL, [toggle_debug]
var/addr	P0, [debug]
attr/index	P0, P0, [psIndex]
reg/jmpeq	&[.debug_level_0], P0, #0
debug/level	#90
local/jmp	&[.loop]

debug/level	#0
local/jmp	&[.loop]

% Add two operands and display result
func/bcall	P3, [add], P0, P1
reg/move	P0, P3
local/jmp	&[.display]

% Subtract two operands and display result
func/bcall	P3, [sub], P0, P1
reg/move	P0, P3
local/jmp	&[.display]

% Multiply two operands and display result
func/bcall	P3, [mult], P0, P1
reg/move	P0, P3
local/jmp	&[.display]

% Divide two operands and display result
func/bcall	P3, [div], P0, P1
reg/move	P0, P3
local/jmp	&[.display]

% Display help message
reg/clr		P0
attr/mod	![], [psStreamError], [
M+N		adds two numbers M and N and displays the result
M*N		multiplies two numbers M and N and displays the result
M-N		subtracts two numbers M and N and displays the result
M/N		divides two numbers M and N and displays the result
M~N		divides two numbers M and N and displays the result
			(when the number type is rational)
int		set number type to integer
flt		set number type to floating-point
rat		set number type to rational
help		displays this help page
debug		toggles debug mode ON and OFF
quit		exits this program
local/jmp	&[.loop]

% title()
% Display title of program to stderr
% Arguments:
%	None
% Returns:
%	None
attr/mod	![], [psStreamError], [
pscalc: a simple arbitrary-precision calculator
Type 'help' for a list of commands or 'quit' to exit

% getcmd()
% Gets next command from stdin (stripping newline character)
% Arguments:
%	None
% Returns:
%	String, or empty string if input is exhausted
reg/load	P15, ![]

% Display command prompt to stderr
attr/mod	P15, [psStreamError], [> ]

% Collect input
attr/copy	P0, P15, [psStreamIn]
reg/jmpeq	&[.getcmd_null], P0, NULL

% Strip trailing newline character
reg/xload	P1, (P0)
op/decr		P1
error/jmp	&[.no_strip], ![.prose.error.sys.OutOfRange]
reg/load	P2, (P0, P1)
op/shr		P2, P2, #24
reg/jmpneq	&[.no_strip], P2, #10
reg/save	P0, (P1)
func/rtn	P0

func/rtn	P0

func/rtn	[]

% display()
% Displays string to stdout (appending a newline character)
% Arguments:
%	s = string to display
% Returns:
%	None
var/addr	P0, [s]
attr/copy	P0, P0, [psString]
reg/copy	P0, P0, [\n]
attr/mod	![], [psStreamOut], P0

% add(), sub(), mult(), div()
% Perform maths operation on two operands
% Arguments:
%	s = string in form M+N
%	i = index position of + symbol
% Returns:
%	Result (as a string)
var/addr	P0, [s], P1, [i]

% Extra debug output if debug mode is ON
func/bcall	P10, [is_debug]
reg/jmpneq	&[.add_ops], P10, [1]
obj/dump	PCTX, P0, P1

% Read variable values
attr/copy	P0, P0, [psString]
attr/xcopy	P1, P1, [psInteger]
attr/def	PUSH, [psInteger], P1

% Split into two operands
reg/copy	P2, P0
func/bcall	P3, [rsplit], P2, P1
stack/pull	P1
reg/save	P0, (P1)
reg/clr		P10
reg/copy	P1, P3
reg/clr		P3

% Operands are in P0 and P1
% Get number type and perform add operation
var/addr	P4, [numtype]
attr/copy	P4, P4, [psString]
error/jmp	&[.bad_number1], ![.prose.error.sys.BadNumber]
var/local	P0, P4, [m], P0
error/jmp	&[.bad_number2], ![.prose.error.sys.BadNumber]
var/local	P1, P4, [n], P1

% Get name of function, this determines the action we perform
attr/copy	P2, PCTX, [pn]
reg/cmp		P2, [add], P2, [sub], P2, [mult], P2, [div]
reg/clr		P2
reg/jmpeq	&[.do_div], SFLG, #1
reg/jmpeq	&[.do_mult], SFLG, #2
reg/jmpeq	&[.do_sub], SFLG, #4

opo/add		P0, P0, P1
local/jmp	&[.do_return]

opo/sub		P0, P0, P1
local/jmp	&[.do_return]

opo/mult	P0, P0, P1
local/jmp	&[.do_return]

opo/div		P0, P0, P1

% Return result
attr/xcopy	P0, P0, P4
reg/clr		P4
func/rtn	P0

reg/load	P15, #1
local/jmp	&[.bad_number]

reg/load	P15, #2

reg/clr		P0, P1
reg/copy	P0, [Bad number for selected number type ],
    			[(operand ], P15, [ is not a ], P4, [)]
error/now	![.prose.error.sys.BadNumber], P0

% settype()
% Sets global number type
% Arguments:
%	type = name of attribute type to set: psInteger, psFloat or psRational
% Returns:
%	None
var/addr	P0, [type]
attr/copy	P0, P0, [psString]
reg/copy	P2, P0
var/addr	P1, [numtype]
attr/mod	P1, [psString], P0
reg/copy	P2, [Number type: ], P2, [\n]
attr/mod	![], [psStreamError], P2

% rsplit()
% Splits a string at a given index position returning the portion to the
% right of the split
% Arguments:
%	s = string to split
%	i = index position of split
% Returns:
%	String
var/addr	P0, [s], P1, [i]
attr/copy	P0, P0, [psString]
attr/xcopy	P1, P1, [psInteger]
reg/xload	P5, (P0)
op/incr		P1

% Set-up new string of the correct size
attr/def	P4, [psInteger], #0
opx/sub		P4, P5, P1
reg/copy	P3, []
reg/save	P3, (P4)

% Copy 2nd portion 32 bits at a time
attr/def	P4, [psInteger], #0

reg/cmp		P1, P5
reg/jmpneq	&[.rs_end], SCMP, #2

reg/load	P2, (P0, P1)
reg/save	P3, (P2, P4)

% Move on 4 bytes and loop again
opx/add		P1, P1, #4
opx/add		P4, P4, #4
local/jmp	&[.rs_loop]

reg/clr		P0
func/rtn	P3

% debug()
% Toggle debug mode ON or OFF
% Arguments:
%	None
% Returns:
%	None
var/addr	P0, [debug]
attr/index	A, P0, [psIndex]
opa/xor		#1
attr/mod	P0, [psIndex], A
reg/jmpeq	&[.debug_on], A, #1

reg/load	P0, [OFF]
local/jmp	&[.debug_status]

reg/load	P0, [ON]

% Report debug status to stderr
reg/copy	P0, [Debug mode ], P0, [\n]
attr/mod	![], [psStreamError], P0

% is_debug()
% Tests to see if debug mode is ON or OFF
% Arguments:
%	None
% Returns:
%	#0 if debug mode if OFF, #1 if it is ON
var/addr	P0, [debug]
attr/index	A, P0, [psIndex]
func/rtn	A