Frecon code: frecon.pal

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% File Reconnaissance Tool
% Author: Mark R. Bannister
% Date: 6/Oct/2017
% Maintains a simple database of file statistics under a given path
% and provides some basic query functionality with them
EQUS {[frecon]}

func/def        [main], &[.main]
func/def        [get_enter], &[.get_enter]

% Main entry-point
% Set-up pointers to commonly used objects and attributes
reg/load        P14, ![],
                P15, ![]
attr/load       P12, [psStreamIn], P13, [psStreamOut]

% Change stdout to be unbuffered
attr/mod        P15, [psStreamBufferMode], [IONBF]

% Load or create new database
func/bcall      NULL, [db_load]

% Launch main menu
local/jsr       &[.display_banner]
local/jsr       &[.get_choice]

% Convert option number to index offset in functions segment
% and call the appropriate function name
op/sub          P0, P0, #1
reg/load        P1, (&[~functions], P0)
func/bcall      NULL, P1
local/jmp       &[.main_loop]

% Display banner
reg/load        PUSH, (&[~menu_header])
reg/load        PUSH, (PULL)
attr/add        P15, P13, PULL

var/addr        PUSH, [db_name]
attr/copy       PUSH, PULL, [psString]
attr/mvadd      P15, P13, [  Database: ], PULL, [\n]

func/bcall      PUSH, [db_num_records]
attr/mvadd      P15, P13, [ # Records: ], PULL, [\n]

attr/copy       PUSH, ![-scan_dir], [psString]
attr/mvadd      P15, P13, [ Scan Path: ], PULL, [\n]

reg/load        PUSH, (&[~menu])
reg/load        PUSH, (PULL)
attr/add        P15, P13, PULL

% Get a choice from stdin and return in P0
% Display user prompt
reg/load        PUSH, (&[~prompt])
reg/load        PUSH, (PULL)
attr/add        P15, P13, PULL

% Grab one line of input
attr/copy       P0, P14, P12

% Test for Q/q after forcing to uppercase
reg/jmpeq       &[.get_stdin], P0, NULL    % Ignore Ctrl+D
reg/load        A, (P0, #0)
opa/shr         #0x18
opa/and         #0x5f
reg/jmpeq       &[.quit], A, #0x51

% Test for hidden D/d option to dump the nexus
reg/jmpeq       &[.dump], A, #0x44

% Convert to an index number
% Any errors - go back to collect input again
reg/conv        P0, P0, #10
reg/jmpeq       &[.get_error], P0, #0
reg/jmpgt       &[.get_error], P0, #9

% Output a new line before returning
attr/add        P15, P13, [\n]

% Sound bell on error
attr/add        P15, P13, [\a]
local/jmp       &[.get_choice]

% Run tools.nxdump on the entire nexus, requires nxdump to have
% been pre-loaded at start-up
func/bcall      NULL, [tools.nxdump], ![.prose]
local/jmp       &[.get_choice]

% Quit program
attr/add        P15, P13, [\n]

% Prompt for user to press ENTER and wait
% Display enter prompt
reg/load        PUSH, (&[~enter])
reg/load        PUSH, (PULL)
attr/add        ![], [psStreamOut], PULL

% Grab one line of input
attr/copy       NULL, ![], [psStreamIn]

% Menu options
EQUS {[\f
           \  ___\    \  ___\
            \/     \   \/     \
            |  File |  | ReCON |
             \_____/    \_____/


 1. Scan Filesystem        6. Newest Files
 2. Biggest Files          7. Oldest Files
 3. Smallest Files         8. File Changes
 4. Owners Report          9. Dump Database
 5. Groups Report

	     q. Quit


% User prompt
EQUS {[Please select (1-9, q): ]}

% Press ENTER prompt
EQUS {[\nPress ENTER to return to the menu.]}

% Function names to call in order of the menu items
EQUS {[scan],