PROSE Programming Language - Manual Reference Pages

Reference Section 1

prismPROSE Assembly Language assembler and disassembler
prosePROSE script compiler and engine

Reference Section 3

libIvorPROSE general purpose low-level library routines
libpalPROSE Assembly Language library routines

Reference Section 5

attr/addAdd attribute to object or edit buffer
attr/addrCopy attribute value as node pointer
attr/cmpCompare two attribute values
attr/copyCopy attribute values
attr/defDefine encoded data value
attr/delDelete attribute directly or via edit buffer
attr/directCopy values from one attribute to another
attr/exportSee attr_copy(5)
attr/importSee attr_def(5)
attr/indexCopy attribute value as index
attr/loadLoad attribute definitions or assignments
attr/modModify attribute directly or via edit buffer
attr/mvaddAdd multiple values to object or edit buffer
attr/mvdelDelete multi-values directly or via edit buffer
attr/mvmodModify multi-values directly or via edit buffer
attr/mvtestTest multi-value attributes
attr/testTest attributes
attr/xconvConvert between register type and encoded data
attr/xcopySee attr_copy(5)
class/addAdd class to object or edit buffer
class/delDelete class directly or via edit buffer
class/loadLoad class definitions or assignments
class/testTest classes
debug/levelChange debug level
debug/sourceDefine source file parameters
error/clrClear error condition
error/defDefine a new error type
error/jmpAdds or removes error traps
error/nowGenerate a new error condition
func/addrAddress a function object
func/bcallSee func_call(5)
func/callTransfer program execution to a code function
func/defDefine a new program function
func/rtnReturn from a program function
itree/addrSee tree_addr(5)
itree/bdefSee tree_def(5)
itree/bglobalSee tree_def(5)
itree/blocalSee tree_def(5)
itree/bstaticSee tree_def(5)
itree/defSee tree_def(5)
itree/globalSee tree_def(5)
itree/localSee tree_def(5)
itree/setSee tree_set(5)
itree/staticSee tree_def(5)
itree/xconvSee tree_conv(5)
list/defDefine a list sequence
local/jmpModify local program pointer
local/jsrSee local_jmp(5)
local/rtnReturn from a local branch
mtx/bresizeResize array base dimensions
mtx/bsizeReturn array base dimensions
mtx/defDefine a new matrix array
mtx/dimReturn array dimensions in two lists
mtx/getGet value from within a matrix array
mtx/globalSee mtx_def(5)
mtx/localSee mtx_def(5)
mtx/resizeResize array dimensions
mtx/setSet value inside a matrix array
mtx/sizeReturn array dimensions
mtx/staticSee mtx_def(5)
noopSee pal_noop(5)
obj/addrAddress a nexus object
obj/childReference a child object
obj/cloneInitialise a cloned object edit buffer
obj/cmpCompare objects
obj/commitCommit object edit buffer to nexus
obj/commitrefSee obj_commit(5)
obj/defDefine a new object edit buffer
obj/delDelete a nexus object
obj/dumpDump objects for debugging purposes
obj/editEdit a nexus object in an edit buffer
obj/paReference a parent object
obj/refreshRefresh virtual attributes
opa/addSee opa_maths(5)
opa/andSee opa_maths(5)
op/addSee op_maths(5)
opa/divSee opa_maths(5)
opa_mathsBasic maths operations with Accumulator
opa/modSee opa_maths(5)
opa/multSee opa_maths(5)
op/andSee op_maths(5)
opa/notSee opa_maths(5)
opa/orSee opa_maths(5)
opa/rolSee opa_maths(5)
opa/rorSee opa_maths(5)
opa/shlSee opa_maths(5)
opa/shrSee opa_maths(5)
opa/subSee opa_maths(5)
opa/xorSee opa_maths(5)
op/divSee op_maths(5)
op/maskGenerate a 32-bit mask
op_mathsBasic maths operations, result to raw index
op/modSee op_maths(5)
op/multSee op_maths(5)
op/notSee op_maths(5)
opo/addSee opo_maths(5)
opo/andSee opo_maths(5)
opo/divSee opo_maths(5)
opo_mathsBasic maths operations, result to variable object
opo/modSee opo_maths(5)
opo/multSee opo_maths(5)
opo/notSee opo_maths(5)
opo/orSee opo_maths(5)
op/orSee op_maths(5)
opo/rolSee opo_maths(5)
opo/rorSee opo_maths(5)
opo/shlSee opo_maths(5)
opo/shrSee opo_maths(5)
opo/subSee opo_maths(5)
opo/xorSee opo_maths(5)
op/rolSee op_maths(5)
op/rorSee op_maths(5)
op/shlSee op_maths(5)
op/shrSee op_maths(5)
op/subSee op_maths(5)
op/swapSwap bytes
opx/addSee opx_maths(5)
opx/andSee opx_maths(5)
opx/divSee opx_maths(5)
opx_mathsBasic maths operations, result to encoded attribute value
opx/modSee opx_maths(5)
opx/multSee opx_maths(5)
opx/notSee opx_maths(5)
op/xorSee op_maths(5)
opx/orSee opx_maths(5)
opx/rolSee opx_maths(5)
opx/rorSee opx_maths(5)
opx/shlSee opx_maths(5)
opx/shrSee opx_maths(5)
opx/subSee opx_maths(5)
opx/xorSee opx_maths(5)
pal_commandsIntroduction to PAL commands
pal_indicesIntroduction to PAL indices
pal_introIntroduction to PAL
pal_macrosIntroduction to PAL macros
noopNo operation
pal_registersIntroduction to PAL registers
pal_stackIntroduction to the PAL program stack
ps_attributesIntroduction to PROSE object attributes
ps_classesIntroduction to PROSE object classes
ps_errortypesIntroduction to PROSE error types
ps_fileIntroduction to PROSE filesystem virtual branch
ps_matrixIntroduction to PROSE matrix arrays
ps_streamIntroduction to PROSE stream module
ps_timeIntroduction to PROSE time module
ps_treeIntroduction to PROSE tree arrays
reg/clrClear register
reg/cmpCompare registers
reg/convConvert between raw indices and strings
reg/copyCopy or concatenate text arguments
reg/dumpDump registers for debugging purposes
reg/indexLookup internal index number
reg/jmpeqRegister comparison and branching
reg/jmpgeSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jmpgtSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jmpleSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jmpltSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jmpneSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jsreqSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jsrgeSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jsrgtSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jsrleSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jsrltSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/jsrneSee reg_jmpeq(5)
reg/lcmpRolling byte comparisons
reg/loadLoad registers
reg/load()Iterate a data segment
reg/load()Iterate a data table
reg/load()Read sections of text or byte strings
reg/load()Define/iterate a walker
reg/moveMove registers
reg/rcmpSee reg_lcmp(5)
reg/rollRoll groups of registers left or right
reg/save()Modify sections of text or byte strings
reg/typeLoad register type
reg/xloadRead length of text or byte strings
reg/xscanSearch text or byte strings
stack/flushFlush program stack
stack/lockLock program stack
stack/pullPulls data off program stack
stack/pushPushes data onto program stack
stack/unlockUnlock program stack
tree_addrAddress an object inside a tree array
tree/bcloneSee tree_clone(5)
tree_cloneClone branches in the nexus
tree_convConvert between imploded and exploded tree arrays
tree_defDefine a new tree array
tree_delDelete branches from the nexus
tree_setSet variable object inside a tree array
var/addrAddress a variable object
var/defDefine a new variable object
var/globalSee var_def(5)
var/localSee var_def(5)
var/staticSee var_def(5)
xtree/addrSee tree_addr(5)
xtree/bdefSee tree_def(5)
xtree/bglobalSee tree_def(5)
xtree/blocalSee tree_def(5)
xtree/bstaticSee tree_def(5)
xtree/defSee tree_def(5)
xtree/globalSee tree_def(5)
xtree/iconvSee tree_conv(5)
xtree/localSee tree_def(5)
xtree/setSee tree_set(5)
xtree/staticSee tree_def(5)